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How should the INREV Guidelines be applied when valuing an entity’s investment in an associate/joint venture which is accounted for in the IFRS/local GAAP accounts of the entity (using either the equity method or proportionate consolidation)?
For the purposes of the INREV NAV, management’s best estimate of the fair value of the entity’s holding in the associate/joint venture should be used. Depending on the type of investment there will be a hierarchy of valuation methods in order to assess this:
1. If the investment is quoted on an active market then the fair value should be calculated using the quoted price as at the calculation date;
2. For investments in vehicles where there is a right of redemption at a contractually set NAV, then this should be used to value the holding irrespective of whether this NAV is consistent with INREV Guidelines;
3. If the investment is in a closed end vehicle or a similar type of entity and there is no fixed redemption price or listed price then the fair value of the holding should be estimated so as to be consistent with INREV Guidelines;
4. If there is not sufficient information available to compute the INREV NAV of the investment then another valuation technique should be used including, for example, an estimate based on recent comparable transactions if these are available.