General vehicle information, organisation, and governance
1.1 Vehicle documentation for reporting framework
The basis, frequency and timing of delivery of the audited and non-audited financial statements, and management reporting for investors should be defined in the vehicle documentation. |
Annual |
Interim |
For annual reports, define any terms or KPIs not already included in Definitions. |
Annual |
1.2 Content and frequency of reporting
The quantitative information presented in the SDDS should be provided either using the SDDS template proposed by INREV or otherwise disclosed in annual and interim reporting to investors. |
Annual |
Interim |
The financial statements provided in the annual report to investors should be audited. |
Annual |
Elements of the overall package of annual and interim reporting to investors, however configured, should be internally consistent.
For instance, information presented in the manager, property and other reports should be consistent with information in the SDDS template, if separate, and the financial statements. Also, the basis of preparation of information contained in interim reporting to investors should be consistent with annual reporting to investors. Any differences or exceptions should be explained. |
Annual |
Interim |
Full year-end audited financial statements should be provided to investors. These should contain:
SDDS references: 1.13 Accounting standards, 1.15 Vehicle Auditor, 3.3 Cash and cash equivalents, 3.4 Total Number of Outstanding Shares, Section 11. details of fees paid to the manager and affiliates, 13.6 Net Capital Contributed – During the Reporting Period. |
Annual |
Full year-end audited financial statements should be provided to investors. These should contain:
SDDS references: 1.13 Accounting standards, 1.15 Vehicle Auditor, 3.3 Cash and cash equivalents, 3.4 Total Number of Outstanding Shares, Section 11. details of fees paid to the manager and affiliates, 13.6 Net Capital Contributed – During the Reporting Period. |
Annual |
Abridged interim financial statements should be provided to investors. Investment managers and investors should agree on the format of the interim financial statements. |
Interim |
For interim reports, use the same terminology and KPIs as used in the annual report. If new terms or KPIs are used, the investment manager should explicitly define them. Same as RG06 |
Interim |
For annual reports, describe the overall status of the vehicle’s INREV compliance.
Management (in the event that, for instance, the INREV Governance framework is not being adopted) and/or independent non-executive directors/those in charge of governance should review this statement and the basis for making it. |
Annual |
For interim reports, disclose the level of compliance with INREV interim reporting guidelines. Reference should be made to the annual report for detailed description of the level of compliance with reporting requirements. |
Interim |
Disclose that the interim report should be read in conjunction with year-end investor report. |
Interim |
1.3 Vehicle characteristics and governance
General information on the vehicle characteristics including, among others, name, domicile, legal form, vehicle style (by reference to INREV’s vehicle style definitions), description of vehicle structure, vehicle currency, vehicle year-end. 1.1 Vehicle Name, 1.7 Vehicle Jurisdiction, 1.8 Legal Vehicle Structure, 1.9 Vehicle Structure, 1.12 Vehicle Reporting Currency, 1.6 Vehicle Financial Year-end |
Annual |
Describe material changes |
Contact details of the vehicle. |
Annual |
Interim Describe material changes |
Describe the vehicle’s governance framework and the organisation of management and administration. For example, identify the AIFM, administrators, trustees, depositories, general partners, risk managers, investment advisors, portfolio managers, asset and property managers, valuers and other key functions as appropriate. Identify and discuss vehicle governance and oversight frameworks such as the use of independent non-executive directors and investor or other special committees, and how they operate.
SDDS references: |
Annual |
Describe material changes |
Describe the structure and governance principles of the investment manager organisation (rather than the vehicle), for instance on potential areas of conflict between alternative capital sources under management, conflict management processes, investment committee composition and processes, alignment through promote distribution etc. |
Annual |
Describe material changes |
Describe the level of adoption of the INREV governance best practices. |
Annual |
Describe material changes |
Annual and interim reports should describe any material changes to the level of compliance with the (vehicle) governance framework defined in the vehicle documentation. |
Annual |
Describe material changes |
Present a short, high-level summary of the vehicle strategy.
SDDS references: |
Annual |
Describe material changes |
Describe key milestone dates in the life of the vehicle (including vehicle term, investment period, closing dates, etc).
SDDS references: |
Annual |
Describe material changes |
Describe the investment stage of the vehicle in the context of key milestone dates, by sector/geography.
SDDS references: |
Annual |
Describe material changes |