PV-P06 Be accountable
The investment manager, together with the governing body of the vehicle, should regularly assess its level of performance in relation to its obligations towards investors and third parties, such as regulators, so far as it relates to the property valuation process, and make improvements as appropriate.
The investment manager and the governing body of the vehicle should be willing to accept a certain level of liability related to property valuations subject to reasonable indemnifications.
There should be a fair allocation of risk to the investment manager and the governing body of the vehicle. The extent of the liability should be in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and be described in the constitutional documents of the vehicle.
At the same time, the investment manager and the governing body of the vehicle should expect to be indemnified by the vehicle for losses, except in cases of fraud and culpable behaviours such as wilful misconduct or gross negligence.
The investment manager should ensure that the external valuer is willing to accept a certain level of liability related to property valuations subject to reasonable indemnifications.
The external valuer should be professionally liable and accountable for their work, in accordance with applicable regulations and the terms of their engagement.