G-P07 Be sustainable: Evaluate and manage sustainability impacts
The investment manager, together with the governing body of the vehicle, should consider and develop a strategy to address sustainability impacts.
The investment manager should identify material sustainability aspects, including impacts and risks, and develop a sustainability strategy, with clear and measurable goals, to mitigate environmental concerns and consider social impact, as appropriate to the overall strategy of the vehicle. This may include, among others, sustainability requirements of the real estate assets the vehicle may invest in, and any additional ESG investment criteria. The investment manager should regularly report to investors on how the relevant ESG factors of the investments made have been addressed.
The investment manager should consider abstaining from making investments related to the vehicle that, on balance, are likely to adversely affect desired sustainable outcomes.
The investment manager, together with the governing body of the vehicle, should establish a framework which defines how the vehicle will act as a ‘responsible owner’ of real estate assets.
The investment manager should act as a responsible owner by engaging with tenants, property companies, and other stakeholders related to the vehicle and developing programmes and policies that seek to improve the social and environmental performance of the real estate assets held by the vehicle. These programmes should be aligned with the overall sustainability strategy of the vehicle, as appropriate. Considerations driving the development of such programmes could include, among others, property types and uses, and cooperation, and forms of engagement with tenants and community interests. The investment manager should clearly describe the sustainability criteria, targets, and the expected impact of such programmes.
The investment manager, together with the governing body of the vehicle, should implement INREV’s Guidelines on sustainability, as appropriate.
The INREV sustainability best practice recommendations aim to provide a coherent framework for sustainability reporting in line with annual financial reporting and present a clear picture from the vehicle’s strategy through environmental key performance indicators.
The investment manager should adopt INREV’s Guidelines, as appropriate, when including sustainability in a long-term strategy and translating it into objectives and annual targets for implementation.
More information on the areas to be considered will be included in the new Sustainability module (end of 2022 release).
For more information on sustainability reporting guidelines see the Reporting module of the INREV Guidelines.